Thursday, April 24, 2014

Building the Expedition Wherry - Part XI Finished and ready, but not so fast . . .

Here she is - all finished and ready to go.  But . . . hmmmm - how do I get it to the water??   It's a bit heavy for ML and me.

The sliding seat rowing unit is put together (with great consternation, I might add - either the directions were not very clear . . . OR, and I'm sure you won't believe this, but it could be I'm not very skilled at reading and following directions.

Surprisingly, our neighbor had a little wheel dolly unit that was slick.  Luckily, the same neighbor has water access.  I think, NICE!, I'll just wheel it across the street, into their backyard, and ML and I can slide it into the canal. 

NOT SO FAST.  Neither the wheel dolly or the boat would fit through the gate.  This was the day before I was due to leave for Alaska, so no-go.  It'll be there in September.

So there you have it.  All ready to go and no way to get it there.  I think it's going to really look sweet in the water. 

I better get started designing a bicycle trailer so I can ride it around to the Yacht Basin and slide it in the water without lifting it.