I got up in the middle of the night to pee, and voila! This picture was taken at 2:48 a.m.
We are now above the Arctic Circle and it's truly the "Land of the Midnight Sun."
Joey and Ashley eat some oatmeal while looking back at where we had come from. The mosquitoes had departed - for the most part anyway. No headnets is a good sign.

But the walking was still difficult. First of all was the occasional stretches of tussocks. More about that later.
Secondly, was the walking on rocks that you can see on the picture. To the right is the Arrigetch Creek. In the background is our goal - the Arrigetch Mountains.
Thirdly, we did find a "path," but the path is rough - to say the least.
We found a really nice rock to eat lunch next to the clear and cold Arrigetch Creek. Not a human, as far as we know, for miles and miles. Nice.
A little brushy too. . . which is a little nerve racking - particularly for the person in front. If you haven't followed bear tracks into thick brush where you can barely see in front of you, you have yet to live life to its fullest!
The stream crossings were fine, but slowed us down periodically. The water is cold if you take the wrong step.
Ashley and Joey were bright eyed and bushy tailed when we finally made it to the fork in the Arrigetch Creek. Bob and I were a little less so . . .
All in all, it was a great day.
Great 2:48am picture - you must have a time stamp on your camera! I remember Joey and I laying in our tent that first night, bug bitten, exhausted, covered in dried sweat, and wondering what the hell we had gotten into as well.