Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Second Flight Attempt and MORE SNOW

Wednesday     1/25     Juneau

It's tough taking a picture in an airplane looking backward without being able to see the camera screen.  But, on other hand, maybe it's for the better.

Joey writes:

"Up early. Breeze-In dough-nuts. Excellent. The Pilot's not too excited to see us. Snowing again. We wait. Wait some more. A break. Word on the street is the mail plane made it to Tenakee, we're off. Same as before, load the gear, squeeze in the plane. Dog's not happy. Unfortunately, by this time Poseidon has heard of our attempt. A wall of clouds awaits as we approach the inlet. Another circle but but he's a patient god, more patient than our pilot. Back to Juneau. Ferry in the morning, enough with this flying shit. The Dog likes the plan. 

Dinner of italian and some Old Ale. Not sure what's in the beer but it's good.  Maybe too much, spades gets a bit heated. Allow me to explain the game. Spades is a team game, but being cards you don't actually work as a team because you can't see your teammates cards. The goal is simple, try to have the highest card of the suit played. If you don't have the suit being played you can play a spade and trump the hand and take it. The odd things about the game is after you've been dealt your cards you must bet on how well you think you will do. Under perform and you lose big. 

This evening's teams are the Bob's vs. Bill and I. Bob seems to hate the game, Dr. Bob loves it. Nice pair. Bill plays a diamond, Dr. Bob plays an ace, unbeatable. I play a diamond, don't have a chance. Bob plays a spade. Hand is his. Being trumped by his own teammate Dr. Bob shoots, "You Fool!". I can't see through the tears. Must be something in the Old Ale. Doesn't matter the cards are in their favor we lose.

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