Friday, April 5, 2013

SURGERY!! of the HERNIA type

I'm not one for hospitals or dealing with my health other than what I can do for myself.  After significant amateur self-analysis, I think I don't like the feeling of being totally dependent on others that I don't know.  Another way of looking at that, is that I have control issues?  Hmmm.  Pull up the couch.

Anyway, during the kitchen remodel, I was taking a shower and noticed a bulge in my lower abdomen where there wasn't one the last time.  Not happy.  I'm no doctor, but I was betting on it being a hernia.  I googled it the next day but didn't get past the first picture.  Interestingly enough, when I look at the repair today, it looks just like the picture.  It's good I told myself that it was a picture from many years ago when the surgery was primitive.  I actually like to be able to delude myself.  It can make things a lot easier. .  .

 It's Monday now, and I had the surgery on Friday - I wanted to get it done so it wouldn't interrupt a summer of lifting fun.  Plus, although I had planned to come up to Sitka for the end of herring,  I know the doctors and hospital a bit and I was much more comfortable in that setting.  Fortunately, ML agreed - plus, although she would never think this, it would save her a lot of hearing me whine.

I won't show you any other pictures, although I have them if you want me to send them to you!  I know ML was worried that I would post a photo of my tangerine sized swollen right testicle.  No worries!  On Friday, the day of the surgery, I lost 4 hours of my life.  I remember nothing between wheeling me into the OR and waking up in the recovery area.  The day was OK, but the night and the next day were pretty rough.  I'm not one on taking medication and I probably should have taken the pain killers on a more regular basis.  I'm on the mend now, and it's good because I'm going stir crazy figuring out how to fill all my time without being able to lift or do much. 

I recommend Sitka Community Hospital and Sitka Medical Center for all your health needs!

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