Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Kitchen - Cabinet install and CATASTROPHE

Our schedule has been dictated by an appointment to measure our "countertops."  That means the base cabinets have to be installed.  So today is the day for the base cabs.

The process is slower than usual, because I don't do it that many times - and I'd rather not make any big mistakes.  Plus, the doggone cabinets cost $8000 - a large investment for our construction projects.

They go in reasonably well, UNTIL . . . .

The last cabinet, the sink base, was the last one - about 7 p.m.  Tim and Jude had been over for dinner - which was actually supplied by Tim (thanks!).  Just before he left, I asked him to help lift the sink base over the plumbing.  In order to get to that stage, I shut off the water main and cut the stub outs, lifted the cabinet over the stub outs, and then glued the PVC pipe back together with a junction.

I was pretty happy with the result, and went immediately to turn on the water main.

WHOOOOSH!  The hot water stub popped off and water all over everywhere!  LOTS of water.  Off goes the main.  I stuck the stub out back in, grabbed towels, ripped the filter out of the shop vac, and we mopped, sucked, and did everything to get the water up fast.  Then the patient person, ML, kept wicking water out of the crevices at the wood floor junction with paper towel after paper towel.

I turned on the water and everything held fine.  It just needed 10 more seconds.

We put the halogen light on the area and ran the fan and went to bed.  I wasn't going to be very happy if the BRAND NEW floorboards warped, but there wasn't going to be anything I was going to do about it now.

Plus, the countertop measurer was due at 8 am. the next morning.


  1. Great blog! I'm going to install my kitchen cabinets to my favorite cooking place. I will use your blog as my hand guide so that I can install it good and correct.

    Best Kitchen Cabinets
