Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Dalton Highway, Day 3

Another quick "pack up the gear, throw it in the car, and go" morning, but we had to get there for the tour.  We did, for a total of 430 miles.

The tour was great - we learned many things that we would not have - plus, we got to see the Arctic Ocean.  No one actually lives in Deadhorse or any of the three main camps in Prudhoe Bay - everyone, of which there were roughly 8000 people working in the three camps - works two weeks on and two weeks off or three on, three off.  The least paid employee makes no less than $65,000 a year.  There are absolutely no drugs, alcohol, or firearms permitted.  If you partake, you are escorted to the airport and are extradited immediately.  If you miss your flight to work, you are fired immediately.  People work on the north slope from all over the U.S. and some international.  One person we were told about commuted from England.

Two active drilling rigs.

We made it halfway.

Tourpeople dipping in the Arctic Ocean.

The caribou don't seem to worried about the oil business going on in the background.

Most of the drilling and exploratory work goes on during the fall, winter, and early spring.  Here are a few of the vehicles used in the winter.

Almost July and there is still ice in the water.

OK, we've seen what we can.  It's time to turn around and go back the way we came - the only way!

Lastly, the video below shows a 360 degree view of Deadhorse surrounding the lake.

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